Friday 19 July 2013

Day 6 - Nicest Girl I Know

This is tough. I really do know a lot of nice girls because girls are just generally nicer than guys sometimes. There are also plenty more girls than guys at church. You all may have read this but I've decided to give it an edit. I don't think it has to be the nicest girl to me. I'm actually finding it very hard to pick a person, and that is a good indicator that I guess I'm still to meet the girl that jumps out as the nicest girl to me! When I find her I'll fill her in this post :)

EDIT: I've known this girl for a while yet we haven't seen each other all that much. Somehow though, she's always put interest in my life. I can't understand why, but she actually has. It really confuses me because I'm kind of used to not being in the top of anyone's list or mind (sad I know) but she is there for me. Especially after spending time with her in Singapore we have been talking for quite a while, and I dont know, I've found someone that I can trust and just let my feelings out to. She's like the sister that I've never had. Really the supportive sibling that I never had. I care a lot for her, just like I do for my family, and I hope this relationship we have continues to thrive well.

I won't name names, but God bless her and I am so fortunate to have her in my life.

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