Sunday 20 October 2013


So there's this girl that I know, she's not perfect; no one is. But she's perfect to me because I would not change a single thing about her. Flaws and all, I think she's an amazing human being. The way I like her isn't the way you'd crush on someone until it fades away. It's a genuine admiration of character, which makes me sad that I cannot tell her so.

There are many things that we regret not saying. On the other hand, there are many things that we regret saying. If this world could be more bold unlike me, more straightforward and concise we'd have a better society. People would know how they each felt about each other, and though initially it may not be a positive response, we know where we fall short. We would also know what we'd loved about each other, and share the joy of being able to, and knowing that you have blessed someone. People would stop sugar coating lies, or just leave the mean things unsaid. Every thing said could be for someone's greater good.

Isn't that the communication we would want? Unfortunately today's society is so far from that. Conversation from social sources is abrupt and insincere, the media sways us from knowing the truth, and people bully each other, lie to one another and talk about each other behind their backs. And that's the problem right there, people become insecure, afraid. Afraid that no one will accept them for who they are, insecure for what people feel about them, and always trying to consider how they should act so people do not mock them.

What I say in my first paragraph is true. I'm a hypocrite for not being able to say it. I'm scared of what saying that might bring, yet I believe if someone said that about me I'd be overjoyed. I will try one day, and so should you. People should have faith in other humans. If we all did, we'd have faith in ourselves too.

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