Wednesday 1 July 2015

Thursday 1 January 2015

Begin 2015

My new year's resolution is to get better than basketball. I realise that being the man God wants me to be shouldn't be a yearly resolution but my life's call. So I chose something a little more tangible and something I'm likely to complete!

Also, I'm starting a jar of good things. Every time I feel like something good is going on that I would like to cherish, I'll put it in the jar! Then I can read it all by the end of the year.


This year my word is COMMITTED. To be loyal to my God, persistent to follow through with my promises, strong to accomplish my goals.
I have many things ahead and I must be committed to see them through.

Wednesday 31 December 2014

End 2014

25 minutes remaining for the year and it's a good time to reflect and think of what has happened in my life and the world. Mainly my life.

Greatest highlight of my year:
My greatest highlight of my year was joining CU. All my high school life I never felt like I belonged anywhere. Me, an awkward outcast, had always struggled to fit in, and the more I changed to try to fit in, the more I hated myself and fit in perhaps even less. But this year I was me. Better yet, I started to draw closer to the me I wanted to be, the person God had planned me to be. CU became and is the place where I feel I belong. People all across the nation, from all over the world mixed together and bonded together by Christ. This year I truly recognised the Lordship of God over my life, and CU was a place to show that. I was never ashamed, I had a fresh start, and can I dare say- I nailed it. I don't care what people thought about me, but for once I was happy with who I was and the track that I had begun to follow. I entered that narrow gate, it's a long road, and it doesn't get easier, but God makes me better and better at tackling life. I've grown so much this year, and CU is a testament to that. I feel at home, I feel challenged yet comfortable; I feel God dwelling in me.

Things I've learned this year:
1.) God truly is everything for my life.
2.) Humans really are silly and weak, luckily, we're silly together with a God that can help us.
3.) Don't go chasing ideals of relationships or even people. Chase God, and He'll show you how to do the rest.
4.) Stop worrying. Worrying never changed anything except your stress levels. Have faith in God and do the best you can in whatever you can.
5.) Life really never turns out the way you plan things to be. You have no control and the sooner you accept that, the sooner you can stop worrying.
6.) Don't waste too much time thinking of girls. You can only waste some. Then go do something useful.
7.) Involve God in everything, because He doesn't stuff up.
8.) Learn to laugh it off. Things aren't always going to go your way, but you can be ok with that. More than ok, God's showing you what's better.
9.) Check revolving doors for glass walls.
10.) Spread your university classes out. It's horrible having packed days.

That's it for me! This year has been incredible. 2015 will be incredibler.

Thursday 25 December 2014

Twinkling like the violent shaking of a light, a star mellows above. Cries, cries from a child. Whirs, whirs from a summer wind. The dark of night cloaks the land in shadow. The city sits in silence. Glory and great majesty is the sign that the sovereign Lord has come. Joy to the world, though the world is still unknowing of the significance of just a humble baby's birth. Conceived by a miracle into a virgin, born in a stable muddied by animals. A great divide has begun to bridge by the salvation brought by God Himself, as a man. A man who is the saviour, and a brother to all mankind.

Thursday 18 December 2014

Rise Up

There are moments you never wanted to miss, yet you have. You want to relive some times and to do it different. By why live such a life of regret? If you trap yourself in the past, you just might miss out on your future.

Don't look back on failures, they bring you down. Look at your successes from which you will draw strength. There are no regrets; every moment you have lived until now has built up to this very moment- to live right.

Saturday 13 December 2014


Just stopping by to say how much I love stargazing. There's nothing very deep to it but just a real appreciation for God's wonderful creation. In Australia we're lucky to see clear stars, numerously spread through the sky. It is so beautiful. God gave His son for us, and when I look at the stars I see how much He cares. He made giant fireballs, larger than the sun, which by the way is a million times the size of Earth. These colossal radiant lights all through space are just made so that we can see such a small twinkle in the night. It reminds me that though times seem dark, God will find a way to shine through.

Stargazing is really a great thing to do. Just relax, lean back, and watch the art that God Himself has painted for you.

Wednesday 3 December 2014


Take up your cross daily. What does that mean?

When I wake- I make the choice that I follow God.
Obeying His command, living for Him the way a son seeks to make His father proud.
From the beginning of day He is my utmost priority, the reason I live, and I live for Him.

Everyday, we have to choose to put our Lord first. There are so many things that draw us away from our true purpose, but ultimately everything we do has the final motive of pleasing and serving our great God.
Everyday, we invest in people and our relationships. That's the next part, a relationship of love to our father is not something we choose but something that is built from constant interaction.

By night- I think of how He is in my every minute.
I am grateful for His blessings, and I hope my actions in the day has blessed Him too.
He sacrificed most, I sacrifice all, and in my rest I return to Him.