Wednesday 3 December 2014


Take up your cross daily. What does that mean?

When I wake- I make the choice that I follow God.
Obeying His command, living for Him the way a son seeks to make His father proud.
From the beginning of day He is my utmost priority, the reason I live, and I live for Him.

Everyday, we have to choose to put our Lord first. There are so many things that draw us away from our true purpose, but ultimately everything we do has the final motive of pleasing and serving our great God.
Everyday, we invest in people and our relationships. That's the next part, a relationship of love to our father is not something we choose but something that is built from constant interaction.

By night- I think of how He is in my every minute.
I am grateful for His blessings, and I hope my actions in the day has blessed Him too.
He sacrificed most, I sacrifice all, and in my rest I return to Him.

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