Wednesday 31 July 2013


Returning from hiatus I have to say this. How great it is to have friends. Good ones especially. Celebrating one of my best friend's 18th birthday with the whole gang (well most of the gang) eating chicken, laughing and sharing each others company. Nothing beats my gift for sure! A hard drive for us to share TV with as well with recorded video skits and messages from all of us! It's so amazing to have friends like these because when you find yourself breaking down, you know that there are people there to build you back up. A good friendship has no duality; rather each person helping the other wholeheartedly putting the other ahead of themselves. I think last night was a great indicator that we've all grown up to be such wonderful children of God. We know we'll spend our lives together forever and even after death we're stuck with each other in heaven. I thank my God every day for these wonderful people.

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