Thursday 25 July 2013

Day 11 – Why do you use Tumblr(Blogger now suckers)?

I use blogger because it gives me something to do, and it's a good source of emotional ventilation. Initially I started using it because people asked me advice and instead of just lecturing someone, I would write something relevant. Now, with this new blog, I just fill it with things that make me happy as well as some things that I find interesting. Looking back at my past blog it is like looking in a diary; I have changed and so my blog must also change. You learn a lot of new things and this blog motivates me to keep searching out the good rather than sitting on the computer moping. And hey, in the odd chance someone likes it or it helps someone, why not. You never know, someone might be extremely bored and randomly feels like learning my life story. You're welcome random guy.

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