Monday 5 August 2013

Cherishing How We Are Cherished

Though our parents may not be perfect; neither are we. They raised us up with their care no matter if we think they care for us or not. There is no parent that doesn't feel a loss from losing their child. If they don't feel loss, they aren't parents. Our parents might be harsh to raise us up correctly, if it isn't because of abuse, it is then just because that they wish the best for us. All of a sudden when they tell us not to do things the way we want it or don't give us what we want, many of us feel 'unloved', which is just stupid. Most parents spend 20 years working after having children just so they can provide for their kids. They do it in the hope that we may live a more privileged life than they did. When you reflect on them, we often carry shared intellectual and emotional traits. Our physical combination is defined by their genetics. Our parents have cared for us since the beginning and till the end. Without hindrance there is no discipline; without love there is no need for discipline. Our parents discipline us because of love and nothing else. They want what's best for us. Don't under-appreciate or ever neglect what they have done for you. Honour your father and mother, after-all, that's what we'd want our children to do to us.

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