Monday 26 August 2013

Dress Code

I find it rather difficult to understand the mindsets of people who dress scantily with the thought that it will attract others. Like those dresses super short and tight to the point where your butt is almost falling out or perhaps very little at all. I perfectly understand girls - actually just anyone - who yes, tries to dress a little nice because they like it. They like to look nice and it does provide a boost in confidence. But if you're dressing to show your bum in hopes of attracting others you really have little to gain. Firstly you're showing your great 'character' to the world and by the off chance you do attract someone with your wonderfully open attire, you're attracting someone who likes you purely because your butt is about to fall out. Congratulations you have won a prize.

I find a girl is more attractive with class rather than the lack of. Following Miley's disgraceful act on the VMA's the way she is being criticised is well warranted. As much as humans should not judge it is rather difficult to not criticise when someone keeps providing reasons to do so. Never go full retard. You cannot go back.

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