Monday 12 August 2013


I think most of us find a point where we notice we're trying to live multiple lives at once. Depending on the company, people just change their character so easily. I for one am a victim. I think I'm definitely much more accommodating around my Christian friends than with other people. In school I feel like I come off a little cold. That worries me the most because the way I act is the way my non-Christian friends will determine how Christians are and I'm surely not the best role model. This is bad. The thing is how does that work? How can we be multiple people at the same time? Which one is the real you?

I think the real you is simply what you choose it to be. You can choose to be this person that you are around this group, or who you are at home. There's no point living two lives and saying one isn't you because you're acting that way, no one else is making you do it. Who you are is simply what you choose to be, what you value and if you can have the integrity to uphold those values. I think you might as well just be honest to everyone of what you're like and if they don't like you so be it, but there's no point living two lives. To be honest I think people are more attracted to honest people. People who don't show favourtism and people who aren't hypocrites.

We like the person who's just down to earth, after all you don't have to fight to decrypt what they're saying or why they do things, they simply do things because that's the way they want to live. Find who you want to be and stick to that. There are some bad habits that we can always shake, but I believe our core values will shape who we are, and what we are is beautiful in God's eyes. You can be beautiful in your own too.

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