Wednesday 21 August 2013

Just One

It takes just one person to remind you of the hope you have in this world. There are times when people will always seem inconsiderate, people will always disregard one another and you just don't know who you respect anymore. Then one person comes along who is feeling the same thing. One person differing from the rest that is like a cool breeze in a hot summer, or just a good breath of fresh air. That person comes and you're just at peace again. Whether you can confide in this person or not you're safe and secure in the knowledge that this kind of person exists. In reality, though we seek the best in others we cannot always put our faith in everyone.

Then suddenly this one person restores your faith; a sigh of relief as so much of your faith has wasted away. We obviously cannot ask people to be what we want them to be, and consideration will forever be amiss others. When we just want to be like the "others" and not waste our time caring about the world, we find this one other person who cares. It provides us with the integrity that we need to pursue being what we wish others would be like. We continue to be kind, we continue to be considerate and respectful of others. And one day, we'll be that 'one person' to someone else.

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