Thursday 29 August 2013

Let's Talk

Kevin Rudd just did an AMA on Reddit.

Two things that I noticed: Politicians never get real. Australia is in for a rough ride ahead.

It's almost justifiable that politicians sidestep questions, put a spin to things and fire shots off at their opposition. They want to be elected and they give what the public wants to hear and don't say what the don't want to hear. But listening in as Kevin answers questions, he is trying to blend with the public and display empathy but really he's just quoting numbers and luring the pawns. I have little belief that his AMA provided genuine responses as there would just be heaps of public respondents clouding his side. As election time draws near it seems the pollies are just getting more and more desperate and their losing sight of the things right for the country in they aim to govern. For a man who once claimed to be a regular church goer and once opposed gay marriage, its saddening to see someone turn so easily just to win a vote. I have nothing against the homosexual community as they are as human as we are. However, Kevin seems to not be able to think for himself, or to withhold his beliefs with integrity. Where the people call he follows, he is like the sheep not the shepherd. A leader of a country needs to be a shepherd.

In no way am I promoting the liberal government as their figurehead is probably just as - if not more - ignorant than his counterpart. I know this though. Australia is in for tough times. As one person who has experienced the consequences of how tumultuous this world can be, and many will share my pain, I can only lay my hope in the fact that God has a plan. The world continues to fight, the poor get poorer and the rich get richer; the earth is slowly reaching exhaustion and the love of humans seems to be transforming to despair. Rather than words we crave palatable action. I for one have not that much of a clue on how to restore this world, but with the election coming in, I pray the claimed 'catholic man' can stay true to God.

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