Friday 2 August 2013

Nothing But The Blood

I spent this morning tossing and turning; I felt a great deal of overwhelming stress pour over me. I began to think of what things were beyond my control and how sad it was that my fate is sealed and I am powerless to dictate my future. Funny that I do this 8 hours after I had just read the book of Job. It was almost like I was protesting against God, though I was not blameless or the most wealthy man in the east, I have still been given a lot.

"The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away. Blessed be the name of the Lord" ~ Job 1:21

I came to the same conclusion as Job did though. I do not blame God for any of my earthly circumstance but give the glory to God in everything that I have been blessed in. I cannot work to earn my salvation yet I am saved in the blood that comes from Jesus Christ who decided that I am worth saving. I think God has many things planned for me and that I should continue on living my life with him above all else. My priorities are straight, and I will follow my God for all of my days. 

I keep having these moments where I despise myself and the things done to me. However, I also keep getting reassured that I am who I am, and that no eye has seen nor ear has heard of the true wonder of God's love. I think on my hunt to find love and to not be alone, I forgot that I was never alone to start with. And what can take my pain away? Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

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