Saturday 24 August 2013

Silly Shally

I think that all men need to act silly once in a while. I'm sure girls have their own ways of lightening up and loosening up but I know for sure that men just have to be boys. They say "boys will be boys" and I don't think it's a bad thing. Just being a little immature, having fun together and not being so dull just eases the soul when it needs it. We are all so serious most of the time, considering things of life, being negative and not a single positive outlook or emotion is anywhere near to be found.

After childhood we get to the stage where the real world slaps us around. From our coddled and tamed river we finally ride out to the sea. Whether we break over the waves or crash under them is up to us. However, like the whales under the sea sometimes it isn't enough to just swim and eat all through our life. Sometimes, you need to jump out of the water.

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