Thursday 22 August 2013

So Little. So Big

Just this morning I was at a hotel in Denver. I realized that I had forgotten my wall cell phone charger and all I had was my car charger. This was a problem as my cell phone was dead and I was meeting my almost 70 year old mother at the airport who was nervously traveling alone. I went to the front desk and asked when the airport shuttle was arriving as I was hoping to plug in my phone while the luggage was being loaded. The front desk attendant graciously explained that many people left chargers in their rooms and allowed me to look see if any were a fit and that I could borrow them. Unfortunately, not one of the 50 or so chargers they had fit. No sooner had I thanked the front desk attendant and turned around, when the gentleman behind me said that he could help me. He opened his suitcase, pulled out a small bag of electronics and handed me a car-wall cell phone charger adapter. He said that I could have it. I know this sounds silly but I had tears in my eyes. How kind, how lucky... I thanked him profusely. His response was to tell me to eat Cheerios!! And other General Mills products. I assume he was here on business on behalf of his company. I will definitely be eating my Cheerios this morning!! Life is good. And I will be sure to pass it on!

“You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late.”

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