Wednesday 28 August 2013

Taking Heart

I guess life doesn't get easier. Recently I've been having anxiety issues, hand shakes and just crap feelings. My whole life has almost amounted to nothing as I feel more and more powerless as the world shows its true face. It's hard to face reality but its there. However it will always be a fact that there are things beyond our control. Luckily, we have a God that can control all things. I understand that in despair, in weakness, there is nothing else to turn the tide but the power of God. To take heart, gather your faith, knowing that God will never leave you nor forsake you, and he will deliver you. My greatest fears are coming to life and my fear is my lack of trust in God. As courage grows there are greater battles to be faced, and currently I'm not sure if I can win. Luckily God can.

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