Saturday 31 August 2013

The Critical Friend

From my observations I can't help but notice most friendships are situational. Most of your friends are your friends simply because of the situation you've been put in together. For example, some people you are friends with purely because you go to school with them, or played in a sports team together. But once you take that situation away, your friendship fades away in time. Not many people like investing effort in others because they'd rather invest that effort in themselves. Humans after all, each possess a sense of selfishness that they want to indulge. In your life you'd probably find 1-3 friends that will stay with you regardless of situation. if you have 3 or more you're very lucky. 1 is enough. These are the people that invest time in you and you in them. Without that friendship you're empty, and a part of your world is missing. These are the people worth keeping by your side no matter what the cost.

Whether you move on different paths, you still undertake them together and that is a true blessing. It's often hard to find this friend, and think about it with your friendships. If you left, which person would care after 5 months? If you haven't been seen in a while, which person would come and find you? If you're a good person, you invest your time in others no matter what, and some more than others but that's okay. However, it is still important that someone out there is doing that for you. Someone who will miss you when you're gone. A critical friend.

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