Thursday 5 September 2013

Approaching the Finish Line

How would you like to experience the end of your life?
It's a weird question but people face it everyday. Before you go are you filled with cherished memories or contempt because you have nothing but regret? Knowing someone in the hospital at the old age of 82, it interests me that at life's end, I wonder what I'd be clinging on to. We recently celebrated his birthday and my family took him and his wife out for dinner as a surprise and they were so grateful. They witnessed friends come and go before them, and they know themselves that they are at that age where their journey is reaching its inevitable end. Yet with joy they continue their lives and I think the littlest blessings put the biggest smiles on their face. They really appreciate life. I think they will appreciate it to the end too.

Think about that question. We're all heading there. And we never know when we will reach our destination. But I know I'd like to cling on to all those whom I have loved, to the memories of the ones I love, and the God that first loved me.

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