Monday 9 September 2013

I am I

I was asked: "Answer honestly: Do you think you're better than everyone?"
I was so surprised that my instinct answered with no. I was so happy to see that I had changed. The way I always acted was almost as if I thought I was superior, maybe humility is possible for me. I said, "no. In fact I'm quite sure people are more important to me than I am to them." It's true. To say I'm better than anyone is just not right. I'm very lucky; I have no doubt that. I have a gauge on what I have and I know that God has blessed me with some things more than others and others more than me. In fact there is one thing, I feel luckier than anyone in this world. Though I am short, though I fall short, and though I'm not perfect, I wouldn't change my upbringing, I wouldn't have my life lived any other way or to leave any mistake unmade. I truly believe I can stand tall.

I refuse to apply for any 'difficult circumstances' in my university applications because it is just not fair to my parents. They have given their everything, sacrificed so much just for me and I have been given the best upbringing a child could have imagined. It's as if God was the one on earth raising me up the whole time. He has, and that's through my parents. To be a parent, is to feel the love that God has for us for the first time. It's truly unconditional, and you'll really sacrifice your all for your child.

So am I better than anyone? Maybe. Maybe not. That's not for me to decide. I do know though, that I can learn from others, and in many ways others will be 'better off' than me. But I would not trade my life for anyone else's. I never will.

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