Thursday 19 September 2013


We keep looking for this ideal person. Then I noticed, if we found this person, would they choose us? You may end up sacrificing the perfect opportunity because we've spent too much time focusing on ideals that we place on others than ourselves. Actually, what ideals place on others we should revert back to ourselves. If we're looking for someone who is humble and kind, we should be able to expect the same coming from our character. So we should actually try to be our ideal partner rather than search for one. There's no use matching perfection with imperfection and so we try our best to change ourselves for the better rather than looking for someone better than ourselves. I mean the whole nice guys thing came from people thinking they were so great. If they truly were, they'd easily get the great girl because the great girl would recognise the great guy. Instead we actually fall very short of what we'd expect from others, creating a double standard without us even realising.

Try to be like your ideal partner. Stop searching, and if you become this ideal person, people will come and find you.

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