Sunday 8 September 2013

Like Your Shadow

I think there is a lot that I have to reconsider in this world. There are a lot of things said in the past that I wish I could take back. I know that I have given people some unwarranted judgement and undeserved merit. Because sometimes someone is good to you once, and you invest your time in them but after that they wouldn't ever invest in you. Then maybe you've treated someone negatively yet they're the ones good to you even when you aren't to them. You may have fought a little, or a lot. Yet you're still friends aren't you? Despite your differences you actually care for each other. It's much like the lack of contentment I always talk about, not noticing what we have even though it has always been in front of us. I guess it's the same with people. Too often we neglect our family, the good friends because we're complacent. It's as if we're abusing the fact that we know that they'll stand by us. We almost only fight with those we love most and never the acquaintances, and I believe you fight because you care for each other. To the point where your conflicting differences almost diffuse into the absolved choice to maintain friendships.

Trust cannot be bought, it can only be earned. Don't jump to invest in someone. I'm contradicting my past statement that a good person invests in everyone. In a sense they do, but not their everything. Just a little. Reward those who have stood by you. They deserve it.

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