Saturday 7 September 2013

Nice Guys - Are Nice.

"Nice guys finish last." Who's heard or said this before? Unless you have a theory that nice people run slowly, there is no reason to say this. The people who say this are either: 1.) Rejected by someone they like, or 2.) Waiting to be rejected by someone they like. The people who say this assume that everyone they like must like them too. They have almost beguiled themselves into a fantasy world where they are perfect and that everyone should desire to be with them. The people who say this are not as nice as they say they are. In fact they are self-centred beyond end. Just because a girl like someone else, and you think he's not as good as you (probably because you are petty that she doesn't like you), doesn't mean that "nice guys finish last."

Not everyone likes you. You're going to be rejected multiple times in your life if you're lucky, and many more times if you're normal. It's not because you're not nice enough that a girl doesn't like you, she just simply - doesn't like you. She doesn't have to hate you, but she doesn't have to like you either. Naively thinking that you're a nice guy and therefore she must like you is terribly arrogant. Maybe you need to consider who you like, you might be ignoring someone better suited for you, and maybe you need to check and see if your reaction is appropriate. If "nice guys" could draw the attraction of all the women in this world, and that women will only be attracted to who you think are "nice guys", the world would either cease to exist or your friendly grandad will be the greatest pimp on the planet.

There are other factors to consider rather than how "nice" you are. You could be overestimating how good you really are, or she just doesn't like you. Keep pursuing if you truly believe you BOTH are meant for each other not just a one-sided infatuation. Or let go. Either way it's time to deal with it.

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