Monday 16 September 2013


We don't get to choose where we come from, but we can choose where we go. It's interesting to see so many people come to riches out of nothing, it was not out of inheritance but personal merit that they managed to succeed. Then you get the irony of a rich man's daughter who lives up to nothing, and despite great circumstances and chances, every opportunity has not been seized and it leaves you to imagine what a great person with great inheritance would be like. Although I believe it is the hardship that has brought the person to success. Often when we look at our parents, they weren't wealthy children, technology was far behind what we have now, yet they probably achieved more than we ever will. We owe it to God, our parents and ourselves to surpass them. After all we've been given so much to start with and opportunities come past us more often.

Don't waste what has been given to you. Now is the time where we start to catch up, to have the choices where we can change the world. Everything we do has a repercussion and externalities. Make them positive ones.

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