Monday 16 September 2013

The 4 Times.

There have been 4 times where I have released the bonds of tact and released my anger. If there are two things I know about myself it is this: I try to consider the welfare of others, and I do not get angry easily. You can frustrate me but when I get angry even I frighten myself a little. I'm pretty sure my angry self isn't even me, but someone else. Yet at the same time I know that part of me exists. It is haunting. In each of those four times I've managed to hurt others twice and myself each time. It is not worth it. I used to be able to harbour my anger quite well, but that's the problem, after all of me talking about letting it go, I think I still get some residual resentment left in my heart. This year with all that is going on I feel my threshold has gotten a little shallow. That's unfair to others and not right. I'll try my best to keep the pot from boiling over and I pray that there will never be a 5th time.

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