Monday 23 September 2013

Touched By An Angel

Last night at work a girl came in and sat at the bar. She asked for a water and a menu and eventually ordered a bacon cheeseburger which costs roughly $12 at my restaurant. After eating for a few minutes she had asked me for a napkin and a pen. I saw her writing on the napkin but didn't think anything of it. When I turned around she was gone. As I went to clear her plate I noticed that she had left a $100 bill along with a note that read: "Today marks my 14th day of chemo along with my 26th birthday. God's been good to me so far, I thought I'd pass my luck on to someone else. Have a great night!" I have never been so touched by a complete stranger in my entire life. About 3 months ago my own mother was diagnosed with lung cancer so this hit very close to home. Having just completed her first 5 week cycle of chemo I know the pain and exhaustion this young woman is feeling. On top of the chemo, she was selfless enough on her own birthday that she gave a complete stranger a gift.

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