Friday 18 October 2013


I think in some sense, we all take control of our individual world. God's will is undoubtedly final, and will be enacted, but I think there are different ways of getting there. I don't think God's will is by deciding our each and every move. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to think like God or to say that I know what God does, but I believe we have some say in our life and everything is not predestined, but some things are. If God planned out this linear life for us all to live, what is the point of that? It would just be like watching a movie, but a very very tragic one. It would be the same as why couldn't God make us like mindless machines that no matter what are good and the world is all happy? The value of goodness is only there because it is a choice.

So though we all need guidance and it is okay to ask for it, I think it is just as important to think of what God wants for you, but also what you want to do for God. When you begin to try out what you want to do, you'll see much more, knowing where you have lunged too far, or where you need a longer step of faith. Or maybe you'll discover a whole new pathway from witnessing a new need to be satisfied. I think that revelation to us is the guidance we've been asking for. I do not think we can just ask God what to do and have him lay out a plan for us. Even for Moses, God didn't tell him how each an every event was to be played out, but rather, he gave Moses direction whenever it was needed. God did not part the red sea before Moses got there, nor did Moses know God was going to part it when he headed into that direction.

And that brings me to the second point. The Israelites were so lost as to why they were at the dead end of the red sea. Why would God save them to leave them to die by the hands of the Egyptians? We have to trust in God's direction when he does give it to us. We have to seek and keep trying to find God's direction, not sitting down and waiting for it. Then it comes, and we listen. Once we receive our guidance it is not the end. More hurdles come up; it took many plagues and the Angel of Death for the Israelites to be free. Each new time we'll need more and more guidance. For that guidance we need trust in God more and more.

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