Sunday 3 November 2013

Bad is Good

It sucks to be bad at things, yet it is also so good. Not many people find struggling enjoyable, nor do they like failing miserably at whatever they are attempting. Yet in failing it is beautiful. We find out how meek we truly are, and how we take what we are good at for granted. For it is us being terrible at something that we admire those who have the talent or have put in the perseverance to do it so easily. It's not wrong to be bad at something, and it should not disappoint you for longer than a transient moment. We must learn that we cannot be good at everything, a let pride take a seat down. I would be confident to place a bet that even Jesus in human form, wouldn't be the fastest man on earth or talented at all sports and fighting but I do know he is still the best man to walk this earth. So it is out of character that we should measure ourselves and not our talents. All talents come from God, but our choice of character is our own.

Not often or not at all do you find yourself attracted to someone who is really good at something. We are attracted to the person who is considerate and kind, not the one that can play basketball the best. The same judgment is placed on us. Sure it feels nice to be good at something, but flaunting it for recognition will not get you very far. An athlete does not flaunt natural talent but rather hard work. Their achievement does not simply say that they can run really fast or to jump the highest. It actually says of the resilience and commitment that the athlete has exercised in spending tireless hours through sweat and pain to improve and to excel. That being said, this is still a limited indicator of what the athlete is like. He could still have the character of an arrogant man.

So forget about the things that you are bad at. Enjoy others who are better than you in different things, and be humble to those who aren't as good at you in an other. Being bad is good; you have nothing to be boastful about.

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