Monday 6 January 2014

Holiday Highlights

Japan was such an amazing place that really opened my eyes to new things. There's so much more out there than we see here at home in Melbourne. The food was amazing, the place was beautiful. Singapore was like going back home and going to a foreign environment at the same time. I knew the life I had once lived, saw the family that I grew up with, and yet I felt so alien. My extended family consists of remarkable people; people of incredible compassion and generosity, people who are fun and loving. I feel very comforted seeing these people again, and this trip has just filled me with excitement, contentment and joy.

The Top 10:

1.) JX's Big Day!!
The wedding was so fun. Beautiful photos, dresses, food, and wonderful people. The whole day was filled with nothing but happiness and I was so happy that my aunt is happily married.

2.) Christmas at the Hans!
Christmas was filled with family, food and games. Playing charades, a match-up game and feasting away, Christmas was a celebration to remember.

3.) Arrival on Japan
As much as the arrival itself, there wasn't much action. However, the bus ride to the hotel captivated me as I gazed into a whole new city. I felt this ease and awe enter me when I looked out of the window to see bright lights and the sea.

4.) Hanatouro
I was lucky enough to be in Japan for the one week in the entire year that is Hanatouro. By the mountainside lies Arashiyama, a town that lights their entire city with lanterns. We were trekking through the bamboo forest there whilst waiting for the light festival to begin, and then in a moment's time, all had changed. The instant the time turned, and 5 o'clock came to be, the forest was lit up in the most eye-catching display. White and yellow lights illuminated upwards with the bamboo shoots, lanterns glowed all across the ground. Going out to the riverside, it was simply magical. The whole town was beautifully lit and it was an unmatchable experience.

5.) Dotomburi
The first night when we walked to Dotomburi really exposed us all to what Japan was really like. Food everywhere, the streets buzzing with life. There were a few girls who we assumed to be prostitutes, but really were night club promoters that were scantily dressed. The street had claw machines, stalls for food and shopping; kind of like a hybrid between a shopping centre and a simple street market.

6.) Osaka Castle
Of all the temples and places of interest that we went to, I preferred Osaka Castle. It had been well maintained and the park around it was beautiful.

7.) LAN in Singapore
I game in places like these less than once a year. In Singapore however, I went three times because it's really cheap and enjoyable. 1.40 an hour gave us all cheap fun with friends.

8.) The Crab
Japanese food is just scrumptious. Barbecued kobe beef, unique and fresh sushi, ramen and local snacks all contributed to my onslaught of consumption towards achieving the goal of obesity. This crab place had a lunch where everything was just crab. Not really being a crab person I was anxious to see if I would enjoy it or not. It turned out to be an exquisite lunch. Ten courses: steamboat, sashimi, cooked crab, sushi, crab chawanmushi, crab croquettes, crab rice, crab everything really. All delicious.

9.) Frozen
Frozen is now my favourite disney movie. It was so good, and in Singapore, my friend showed me that students get tickets for just 6.50. She was also a friend whom I had met at the start of the year so it was nice getting to know her more and spending some time together!

10.) My 18th
The day itself actually was quite unfortunate. I spilled sake all over my luggage, I almost broke off my toenail, I was late for my own celebration dinner and the restaurant that I always loved dropped in standard. It really didn't seem like a great birthday but I was so happy the whole time. I just kept thinking about how lucky I am to have this cool extended family and they really cared for me. Someone whom they see once every three years or so, yet they treat me as if we've all spent our days together our whole lives.

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