Tuesday 11 February 2014

Bible in a Year

Just started the YouVersion plan for reading the Bible in a year! It's a great thing to try as it reminds you to read and it doesn't feel tedious, or boring, which is great because sometimes reading a lot out of a single book can be tiresome. I've suddenly gotten really excited about reading and I just want to get ahead of the plan sometimes. It's good to add more to your relationship with God than just praying and serving for there has to be some purpose for your service. If you want to get to know God more, what better than to actually read the recounts of His work and from those who have managed to draw so close to Him! We may not have had the privilege of meeting Jesus, but we can read his recorded words.

We as humans are constantly so stricken by our own desires we forget that what God wants does not incline to what we want. We deem the 'good' things that God has done for us to be the things that are what we mutually desire but everything God does for us is for a reason.

A group of us are embarking on this journey together and it'll be wonderful to explore things that we may have missed when we have read the Bible in the past, and things that are suddenly more relevant!

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