Tuesday 18 March 2014


I've procrastinated posting this for awhile and so I've finally gotten to it.

Often I've heard the questions:
"If God made the world, who came before God and who made God?"
"If God can see the future, how then do we have free will if he knows what we are going to do?"

I think I have somewhat got an idea that manages to relieve these queries. Of course if this answer does not satisfy you, keep searching, but I hope this helps. There is obviously more than the answer I am about to give but this answer can be found helpful.

It all comes down to the concept of God creating time. With our human knowledge it is impossible for us to imagine life without time because it is just something that we will never experience. However, like all living things and materials, time bears some sort of mechanic, as time changes in relation to the speed we are traveling and time is rather relative. So assuming God created time, that should mean before God there would have been no time and therefore there would be no before and after.

It is too early to agree with this assumption and so I will give additional backing. Imagine a line drawn on a piece of paper. The beginning is when God created the world, and the end is the end of the world. Now where is God? What if God is the piece of paper. What if God is around this entire timeline and so he can see all these things at once? What if, everything for him is the present?

Now this is an odd concept to imagine so I will give a description to better understand this idea. Perhaps, for God, all the past and our future is his present. But how is that possible? Take this analogy: Imagine that instead of 1 o'clock and 2 o'clock, and the way we measure time, every moment is 2:00pm, February 19th, 2004. That day bears no significance, just a random point in time. So when the sun has set, its 2:00pm. The week starts on February 19th and ends February 19th. Just bear with me and accept this example. Obviously it wouldn't make good planning as if you'd want to meet you couldn't arrange time because the next hour would still be 2:00pm and so would 12 hours later. What if for God, everything is 2:00pm? Everything is present. The last week was still 2:00pm and so he sees the events occur but today was 2:00pm and so God sees it as it happens too. He can see everything because everything is 2:00pm.

That means God doesn't see the future as it is his present. So he doesn't predict what we are going to do, he knows it because he's seen us do it. There was nothing before God because it has always been 2:00pm. There is nothing after God because it too will be 2:00pm. This could also explain why eternal life is eternal as we leave this Earth and enter God's realm, time will too cease to exist.

I am most definitely not claiming this to be the answer to these questions, but it is a theory worth pondering. I hope this can help you out!

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