Thursday 20 March 2014


Today I had a little thought. I imagined that if I was sitting down on the train and a nice girl falls asleep in the next seat and leans onto my shoulder without knowing. I thought, I think I wouldn't push her or wake her up. Then I thought, "I shouldn't just do that for girls, what about just a random guy?" Then I hesitated.

People often think favourtism just has to do with willingness to help a friend over a stranger. In some sense that is correct, but there is way more to it than that. Favourtism, is actually a form of selfishness. I'd let that girl lean on me because I think she's pretty and that makes me happy. The man leaning on me has no benefit at all and so I wake him up. You'd treat your girlfriend/boyfriend better because that will benefit you and your relationship over the stranger who you'll never meet again. So in matter of fact, you end up doing thing for yourself.

Perhaps it's not such a new idea to people, but it struck me quite heavily to think that I'd be so self-centred to favour someone over another so easily rather than just being kind to everyone. It is also an indicator that I am judging people way too quickly, using image as a starting factor, when I should know that good people come in all different looks. So what am I trying to say here? I'm not too sure myself. However, maybe this is just a good reminder for you to stop passing quick judgments, and to favour everyone and not yourself.

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