Sunday 27 April 2014

ANZAC Camp 2014

There are so many things that I have to say. It is not a surprise that once again God dwelled among us and let us enter His presence at camp. There is something about this annual camp that changes the lives of many.
We are blessed this year with a powerful message and that is discipleship, to disciple one another, to take up our cross, to leave everything and follow Christ. I saw firsthand many break through their barriers in worship, to lift up their hands, to close their eyes and praise the almighty and everlasting God. Sometimes actions like lifting your hands may not mean much, but sometimes it really is letting go - losing ourselves to God.

This year many highschoolers and people who do not usually serve in the camp stepped out to take on new duties. I can feel, I can sense the fire in them that if fueled, will have the power to set any forest ablaze. I personally want to work in them, and like my mentor has discipled me, I too want to disciple them. There is a great desire in me to help aid and mature them in their spiritual walks. I know that they can do great things, and with what God has given me and what He has given to them, I will help them get there.

For me personally, I feel this great peace and that a burden has left my shoulders. I do not feel this great fire in me because it has already been burning all throughout this year. I know there is more to my journey than feelings, and I am ready to take my next step of obedience and let God take control of my life. I am still young, I am not yet mature, but I am growing in wisdom and in intimacy with Christ day by day. I am feeling great joy, loving what God has done in this camp, and I rejoice with Him as I see others drawing closer to Him. I am experiencing this serenity, I know it will not last long, but I will prepare and stand by God in the things up ahead. It is not going to be easy but I am determined more than ever to chase after God's will.

As long as God reigns, I will live out the life that Jesus Christ has bought for me.

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