Tuesday 1 April 2014

Faith First

I've been asked, how do you know what you believe is real? People are so often used to believing things only after experience, but they forget, they once had to take a leap of faith. Every day we sit on chairs without questioning whether they will or will not hold us up. This is because we have been sitting on them for years that we don't even question it. However, there must have been that first time, when you have never sat on a chair before, but from seeing others you take a leap and sit on your own. This is just a very simple example. To take it further, a couple decides to go skydiving. There is an experienced instructor holding them, taking care of the new divers. Now there is always a chance of the parachute not working, it has happened before, but they jump. They take this leap. The parachute opens and they touch the ground. Now the couple does this over and over. Soon enough they stop worrying on whether the chute will release because they feel, from their past experiences, it is all the same and it will open.

The same works for our beliefs in God. Perhaps God first spurs us to try this skydive; the skydive invite being a friend inviting you to church, or maybe a conversation that stirs up a few queries. Then you go to the venue, and you ascend. However, no matter what, at one point, you must take a leap. It first takes faith before God can open up our chutes and take us to the ground, revealing Himself little by little. Then as we keep exercising this faith and God continues to show Himself to us, we become more affirmed in what we believe in. So how do I know what I believe is real? I first questioned God's existence, sought answers, took a leap of faith, and God worked in my life. At first I had no source of belief whatsoever, but in time my conviction that there is a one true God grew and grew. Now I have experienced the depths of God's love, the mercy and grace from His salvation, I believe.

So if someone questions you, you can tell them of the time you did not believe. For they too will have to take a leap of faith toward certain things and towards God. Then we tell them, that we ourselves have experienced God. For before belief from experience comes belief that first appears from faith.

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