Tuesday 15 April 2014

Hot Cross Buns

Praise God for the work He has done through me today! With J-Week we were giving out hot cross buns to share the love and generosity of our Saviour and God. I went around handing out hot cross buns, giving them to people sitting around, but it was rather difficult to strike up conversation there as people were rushing around and in groups with their friends. So I took some new testaments and started handing them out, soon we were out of new testaments! I managed to strike up a conversation that really stood out with this guy named Stan. Just simple conversation but I took the courage to ask him what he thought about the bible and soon we were discussing about it. After our conversation I managed to invite him to our bible talk and he was really intrigued by the notion of God but still not convinced. He said he'd like to come back again and I am so so glad. I knew that today was not the day where I would simply turn a man straight to God. I had prayed for this boldness and God gave it to me, which really grew me in my confidence and my willingness to speak to others about God openly. It stirred up a curiosity in Stan that perhaps would not have occurred if I hadn't talked to him. Today has really been a moment of development for me, and its getting me even more excited to share the word of God!

I pray that God will reveal Himself to Stan, for now I have done all I can. He is not fully convinced that the miracles that Jesus performed truly occurred, but there will be a way to help him know that God is an all-powerful, supernatural God; it is not up to me to reveal that. I am glad to be one link in the chain, in the hopes that one day, Stan and I will both be dwelling in the house of God and His love forever.

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