Sunday 18 May 2014

Just Not The Same

I'm sure many relate to me when I say, have you ever had the feeling that you want to change, or a realisation that you'd like to change something in your life? Then once you have that thought you just return to the usual and you end the same. It's like when you listen to a really good sermon, and you're like "man I really want to be better," or maybe you've attended some event or read the Bible and you've gone "I really should stop doing this." Again we go on with this thought and we get stuck. How long have you been the same for?

At the start of this year, I could not take it any longer. I knew I had to stop being the same. With my life transforming so drastically in the past 3 months I ask myself - "What changed?" It wasn't God, He is the same great God today, yesterday and all the days of tomorrow. Well then, I must have. In the Bible it says to "serve the Lord with all of your heart, all of your soul, all of your mind and all of your strength." It never said we needed all of God's heart and strength, because he never held back. God gave it all and the only thing that needs to change is not Him, but us. We need to want to change, and make the change.

Often we get this hunger when we've discovered something we'd like to be different about ourselves, but if you don't feed it, it goes away. When you push on through your hunger for food, a while later, you're just not hungry anymore. The same thing can happen with our life. When you get this hunger to change, feed it. When God is real to you, you just can't be the same any longer.

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