Thursday 15 May 2014


So I've really had a clear message that I need to slow things down. It is okay to expect great things from God, but it needs to be in His ideal timing and not mine. I've been expecting results too soon, but really true growth takes time. My pastor managed to convey to me that I need to follow God's pace, and the messages that I've been watching have really helped to affirm that. "Sometimes when you do things, God is doing more than you know." I need to believe that because I know that nothing I do on my own can properly further God's kingdom than by the power of His spirit and His guidance. God will make Himself real to those he chooses to in His timing, I can't keep expecting everyone to face Him straightaway.

When God takes it slow I will walk beside Him. When He bursts out of the gates, I will run alongside Him.

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