Thursday 17 July 2014

Singapore 2014

Back again! It has been a tiring week, but also another week of memories. Singapore was extremely hot and that took a toll on us, but I was able to cope with the weather. The wedding was a landmark for our family, it wasn't the most exciting one but it is still a joyful one. Met up with a few friends, did some shopping and I'm able to say that this has made my holiday break feel more fruitful. I can't really say I have incredible memories from this trip, but it does add another layer of love and experience in my relationship with my family back home. I'm truly blessed to have such an amazing family, and most of them from humble beginnings. It helps me to centre and not focus on superficial things and keeps me grounded. The importance of family, and love in our relationships far outweighs that of money and useless things. This is the kind of joy that will never fade away. Even after death you already have held those memories close to your heart and it has already shaped and moulded who you are.

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