Thursday 18 July 2013

Day 5 – Funniest person you know

The funniest person I know has to be my friend Dan. He once shaved a bowl cut for camp just for fun. He makes up random songs, dances to them and does them to teachers just for weirding them out or to make fun of them. Dan makes the funniest calls but isn't afraid to be the one being made fun of. (He used to be fat but now not anymore).

I think everyone likes Dan. And a little humour makes life so much lighter and enjoyable. His baby face and his ability to make a mockery out of my school makes him far funnier than the rest. He comes up with code/nicknames for the younger kids who we observe from the top deck of the senior college, which have the weirdest relevance to the kid. For instance: he calls this one girl, 'bodyguard' because I quote "hangs out with this one friend that looks like a Jew, so she's like a Jewish bodyguard." Until now I still don't get the relevance but it's funny nonetheless.

It's hard to use words to just describe why someone is funny but this guy is the funniest. That's all.

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