Sunday 28 July 2013

In Every Vein, Starting From the Heart

It is far better to be able to bless others than to be blessed. It is like the prayer of Saint Francis, to "console than to be consoled", to "love than to be loved". You'd have to be blessed with something to be able to help someone else. You either have extra to give, or heart to give and either way, you've got something. I believe every human heart bears an ability to radiate kindness. No one is born with hate, they learn it, but love just comes out of us. We as people, especially as Christians are prone to love. We are lucky to understand grace, and everyone born has parents that have contributed to their life whether in success and in failure. So certainly we know what things we have been given though we have not worked for them.

There is much left to be learned in acquiring a true disciplined kindness. It will teach us that there is much more to care about than ourselves. It is not wrong to seek personal enjoyment, yet there is a feint line that should be metaphorically drawn to manifest our interaction with others, possessing a baseline of grace. To be honest that grace should be overwhelming, yet we feel we do not have the means to do so or we find difficulty in bestowing that grace upon whom we chose.

We have a God who sacrificed his Son for us, and that same love is reflected as our parents unconditionally take care of their child. We've been shown examples as all around the world people are kind to one another. Sure, there are people who do horrid things to one another, but would you rather learn the good or the bad? Deep down in our hearts there's a voice that tells us what's right and wrong. Deep down in our soul for Christians, the Holy Spirit calls upon us to move. Every human is kind, but the extent is controlled by us.

We need not to look to others to establish the kindness in ourselves. It is not a competition, and the kindness is merely our choice. We simply just be kind to whoever we want to and whenever we want to. We don't need to see the kindness in others to see the kindness that we would want to show. Kindness does not go unnoticed. If others don't appreciate it, if others don't notice it, you do. You chose to be kind and you should get nothing back; though most of the time you probably will. Because attitudes aren't magnets. The good doesn't attract the bad nor the bad the good. The good attracts more good, and people begin to reflect the kindness shown to them. If you think no one sees you, it's probably a good thing. You shouldn't be kind for recognition, and the only recognition you need is God's and your own. And God sees everything.

"People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite."

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