Wednesday 3 July 2013

Make A Choice

“Happiness depends more on the inward disposition of mind than on outward circumstances.”
- Benjamin Franklin

Happiness comes from an inner peace, understanding and acceptance of life; a perspective of truth that opens your eyes to the beauty of life all around us. Happiness cannot be achieved by external status, it must be an internal state that we realize when we see our innate perfection. So when life gets tough, things don't go the way we want it to be and we sit there and cry. I'm joking, we get off our asses and we know who we are, what we stand for, what we believe in and nothing can bring us down. We know that circumstances always change and things can go for the worse. But the quicker we can accept it and the quicker we react - we can proceed to living our lives better. When you make a mistake you feel terrible; you forgive yourself to be happy, but you never forget it to learn. 

How many times do we count our misfortunes rather than our blessings? When we take time to open our eyes to the miracle of life we can see the many gifts that have been given to us. Remembering all the beautiful aspects of life and all the reasons you are blessed can immediately shift our mood. We can move from sorrow and despair to appreciation and hope. We may feel temporarily discouraged by circumstance, but if we have peace inside us we can finally see that it is always a blessing because our environment is one of the key initiators of our character. What we are and what we choose to do.

“If a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.” – Jesus

When we stop trying to be what we are not, we realize our authenticity. Before we had knowledge, we were completely authentic. We learn to use knowledge to measure and judge, which is a powerful tool we have as humans. However we create an image of perfection in our mind of what we should be, but are not. We confuse knowledge for nature. We believe in the lie of our imperfection. But here's some good news. If you're sure of yourself, you know where you aren't perfect but you aren't fussed because you know that's where you can improve or accept. Life won't be so boring and you will be much happier in knowing you are you. Not someone else. That's why it's better not to envy. We don't want to be someone else, we want to be ourselves. We may like other bits of people but we'd like to experience that as us. If someone has something you wish you had, say a better phone - you work for it or you realise you don't actually need a new phone and stop to notice how lucky you are in other circumstances.

Be happy.

I realise that all I need is to choose to be happy with my life, to not be restricted by any loneliness anymore and to not lose out to worldly circumstance. Some problems we can fix but we choose not to do so. We can fix those problems and happily accept the ones that we cannot alter, but our acceptance is the first step in overcoming our obstacles. Happiness is something we can choose to seek after rather than lingering in self-pity. Gain happiness in helping others find their happiness; gain happiness through the joy of love; gain happiness in a peace that you choose to partake. It is far greater than straining and yearning for things that may not ever give us the happiness we need. In the struggles and pains of this world there are times that we will feel despair. However, our ultimate goal is to serve and to seek happiness and to share it with this world - it is no longer a want for us; but an eternal choice.

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