Monday 15 July 2013

The 30 Day Challenge

Someone has done this and I thought it is pretty cool. Stolen from tumblr what are you going to do about it. I will start once I can find that person I look up to other than my dad. I encourage trying this, it seems pretty interesting.
Day 1 – Someone you look up to
Day 2 – If you could live anywhere around the world, where would it be? And why?
Day 3 – What do you love most about your best friend?
Day 4 – What is something weird and unique to you?
Day 5 – Funniest person you know
Day 6 – Nicest girl you know
Day 7 – Nicest guy you know
Day 8 – A moment you want to relive
Day 9 – If you found $5,000 what would you do with it?
Day 10 – Favourite food
Day 11 – Why do you use Tumblr(Blogger now suckers)?
Day 12 – What kind of songs are you into?
Day 13 – What is your favourite past time?
Day 14 – Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Day 15 – Something you’d like to say to your ex bf/gf
Day 16 – If you could change something in the world what would it be?
Day 17 – What are on your walls in your room?
Day 18 – Favourite movie
Day 19 – Favourite beverage
Day 20 - What is your best way of calming down?
Day 21 – Someone who never fails to make you smile
Day 22 – Something that annoys you
Day 23 – Are you a summer or winter kind of person
Day 24 – Do you rather have a big night out or chill in with your friends?
Day 25 – Which side of the bed do you sleep on?
Day 26 – What is something that you have read that changed your life?
Day 27 – Someone you’d love to meet
Day 28 – Your idea of an ideal bf/gf
Day 29 – If you could be an animal, what would it be?
Day 30 – What is a good motto for something that you believe in?

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