Monday 15 July 2013

Day 1 - Someone You Look Up To

SO. Let us begin with Day 1.

My dad is too much of an easy answer so I will choose someone else.

There is a man by the name of Allan Soh and he is someone that I look up to. He possesses the one thing that I lack the most: Humility. If you take a look at him you would not be able to tell that he has more family than everyone you know put together unless you know Gina Rinehart. You won't find him in any fancy car, or in expensive clothes, or spending his fortune away. You'll find that he is the one teaching that money, does not make you happy and that is how I learned that only those who are happy with what they have are rich beyond measure. He delights not in superficial things but in the bonding of family and the caring of others. Also he is super wise, and from humble beginnings remains humble despite earning riches through his ability and hard work alone.

He is shorter than I am, which is hard to believe is possible, yet he stands taller than any basketball player or anyone in general to be honest. He reminds me to be assured in who I am despite my vertically challenged body and that integrity adds three extra feet. How can I not look up to a man whose character outmatches his riches? It is not riches that I search for but the character underneath. Too many people in this world misuse their wealth or don't help even in their riches. Allan Soh is someone I look up to because he keeps me grounded in the knowledge that I will not be happy chasing money. I am encouraged by the testimony that short people can find love and can stand taller through a character that lifts them up. He is an indicator that good people exist and money does not always corrupt if you do not fall to its lure.

Kind heart, brains, gentleness, humility and wisdom. If you choose to clone a human, clone this guy first.

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