Sunday 4 August 2013

Meaningful Medication

I was at my local CVS to pick up my prescription and while I was waiting, a lady was almost in tears that she couldn't pay for her mother's pain medications. I asked how much the medicines were, although I don't know why I asked, I was going to pay for them no matter how much they were. They were a hefty 55 dollars. I, myself, am a full time college student just out of high school who lives solely on her student loans and her part time job. I pay 200 dollars a month on my own medicines, but I realize that I could not live without them. So the thought of someone not being able to have theirs crushed me. The penny pinching that I did that month to make ends meet was definitely worth the smile on the lady's face when she told me that her mother will not have to experience any pain. She cried and begged for my phone number to be able to contact me when she had the money to repay me, but I told her it was my pleasure and I didn't know of a better way to spend that money and to give her mom a hug for me. I pray that if I am in the situation where I cannot afford my medicine one month that someone will step up and help me because sometime, it really is a matter of life or death and it is the small things that you can do to ultimately.... save a life.

“The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the greatest intention.” 

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