Monday 9 September 2013

Honesty Over Thieves

I work for a foster care agency located in Dedham, MA. Every year we all get our foster children and foster parents together for a company-sponsored picnic with the staff for a nice outing. The past two years we have had the event at Larz Anderson Park in Brookline, MA. On this particular day my vehicle and another lady's SUV got broken into. Our windows were smashed and bags taken (her purse, my work laptop bag). She and I had filed a report with the Brookline Police in the parking lot. She had her credit cards and other important things in her purse and I had sensitive/confidential work information as well as some personal items and my yearly planner. This occurred last Thursday. Randomly on Saturday I received a call from a man named Marceleno, a Dorchester resident, whom had been with his girlfriend in Jamaica Plain that day finding my bag and the other lady's purse in a trash on the street. As luck would have it, my contact information was in the bag with most of my things in tact as well as all of the other lady's credit cards and some of her personal belongings unscathed. He contacted me and arranged to have our bags dropped off at the nearest Police Station on Washington St. in Jamaica Plain. Because of this random act of kindness I have my work stuff and soon the other mother of three will be reunited with her purse. It is very rare these days to come across honest people with kind hearts and good intentions, especially in the city of Boston. I would like to thank this man and his girlfriend for helping me out.
"Everyday we are presented with two choices, to follow selfishness or to be kind."

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