Tuesday 10 September 2013

Real Friends

Real friends, treat the relationship with each other as a 60:40 ratio. They want to put more than the 50% that they each should give because they want to bless each other. When you start looking at friendship for just your own benefit, the friendship starts to go lop-sided. Like a seesaw, soon enough it just sits on one end. That's no fun. Then the person giving more will just leave. and the seesaw falls down and you're left alone. Real friends, don't wait until their friends say they need them, they're always checking up and taking the initiative to make sure they know when they're needed. Most people don't just go to someone and open up, it takes someone to ask first. People give the excuse "oh why didn't you tell me," or words with a similar meaning and the answer is: "you never asked." People think that's unreasonable, but it's not. Really if never ask you'll never know, and as someone's real friend it's your job to because you care about that person.

Real friends make effort.
Real friends don't give up.
Real friends, put their friend higher than themselves.
Real friends; they don't wait till you fall so they can pick you up. They catch you before you hit the ground.

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