Tuesday 3 September 2013

Words and No Meaning

How many times do you just say things? It's an odd question but most of the time we talk without thinking. We say stuff that maybe we don't mean. Some things are just out of courtesy, or somethings come out of our mouth like a natural reaction. I'm sure some people don't mean 'oh you look so great', and 'oh how are you?'. Sometimes, it's just unreal. You can throw out words and say how great someone is, or how much you appreciate them but sometimes when I think about it. I'm not sure if I said it to someone, if I really do. I want to be honest, and most of the time I'm down to earth. Matter of fact.

However sometimes after exchanging pleasantries it's as if you're having a feigned relationship with someone. You'd never know if they truly cared for you or are just with you from mutual obligation, and yet you'd say to them 'thanks for being there.' Thinking about all the people I'm grateful for, I really believe that I do have a few people that I am very grateful for. But the number is much less than what I say to others. An oddity actually, after thinking about all this, is that we probably don't even say how much we appreciate those whom we actually really do - appreciate. Humans use the tongue to manipulate each other, to communicate the way they want to. Who knew; you can end up tricking yourself.

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