Tuesday 31 December 2013

Happy New Year!

This blog has made it to the New Years! It's funny; an hour ago it was 2013 and even after today and tomorrow, 2013 is still not long in the past. But yet this time system we've set up means so much. It's a whole new cycle of birthdays, holidays and a new set of seasons. Most importantly, this sudden increase of one from 13 to 14 means for many, a new start; a new chance. It's a little spur of motivation to succeed where we failed in the last year, and to take on as many if not more challenges with a fresh mind and a courageous and optimistic heart, for there is a whole new year ahead.

2013 was a tough year. Years only seem to get harder and harder, so each year we must grow accordingly to match our challenges that are of an ever-increasing difficulty. 2014 lets us pick up where we left off, to work harder than before and to be better than before. A new opportunity to overcome, to forgive, and to explore. Have a joyous outlook towards this new year, for every year is just another year, but every year we have changed - we're ready for more. Looking back I feel I've grown so much from last year, and I'm working day after day to be the man God has intended for me to be. For me it is uni, first impressions all around and a total reinvention and correction of personality. For everyone else, I hope this year provides the change they are looking for, and if they do not find it, I hope this year helps them to create it.

Happy New Year!

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