Friday 13 December 2013


So it's another day of my Japanese adventure and I've experienced many new things! Today the train took us to Nara; trains are expensive. A super cool old lady made us our lunch and she was so nice and cheerful. In addition, the food was fantastic, Oishi! I still can't get over the fact that people here are so sweet and gentle, makes me want to buy from shopkeepers just because they're so kind and friendly. Nara is famous for its deer park, so off we went! The Deers were very cute although quite dirty. They had white bums and their antlers were sawn off to prevent them from impaling the citizens. They bow to you which is super cool, but they also harass you pretty bad like seagulls if you feed them. We had icecream and took photos of the temples and the peaceful park, it was a remarkable day. Kyoto tomorrow!

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