Saturday 14 December 2013


So this whole new distant world that is Japan never ceases to enlighten me to new things. As we were just about to board the train to Kyoto, we were stopped and it seemed rather peculiar... Then all of a sudden the train seats swung over and reversed their facing directions for the train to go the other way! It was something I've never seen before and I was sort of bewildered. Kyoto is cold. Much colder than Osaka especially in the more mountainous regions. It is known for its palaces and is close to Arashiyama, where I'll be headed to tomorrow! The food was delicious as usual, eating cold soba in the heart of a cold winter, and the shopping; oh my the shopping. We went to Nishiki market and there was just streets and streets and stores and stores selling food, merchandise, clothing, books and even guns. Day one at Kyoto did not consist of much sights but really more on shopping. However, with day two tomorrow, I'm expecting a world of visual wonders.

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