Friday 31 October 2014

Season Change

So.. I just quit my job. I was feeling quite down because I felt that I really failed to be a light for God in my workplace. I've had some "spiritual conversations" and everyone knows I'm a Christian but I never really managed to impact. Amongst other reasons, I thought resigning would give me a fresh chance in a new place.
However, today, when it spread that I was leaving, I managed to witness to almost every team member about Christ, my plans for mission and in return I heard many of their stories about their encounters with Christianity and spiritual life! In fact one of them is a missionary!!
God really shined through in my failures, and He can use our weakness to further His kingdom. Just wanted to encourage you all to stand firm in Christ no matter what. Things may go downhill but that doesn't mean it is to the detriment of God's kingdom. Persevere knowing that nothing on earth happens without God's consent. Don't be afraid to be bold though
In addition, though we are told to persevere through our trials and rejoice in our oppressions, as Christians we simply cannot simply stand by as injustice occurs to others. I had to say some pretty hard words today to the proprietor, because truth cannot be left unspoken. Speak up about it, stand up for others in the name of Jesus and most importantly always do what is right and trust God with the result!

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